How to enrol International Students?
When enrolling students it is important that schools first check if the student is a local or international student by requesting evidence of their Australian citizenship or residency status.
International students seeking to enrol in a Victorian Government school must apply to the International Education Division (IED). Details of the application process and application forms are available from the website. Families can contact the IED for advice about the application process.
How are International Student fees paid and what do these fees cover?
All application, tuition and service fees for international students are to be paid directly to the IED. IED issues an invoice for these fees.
International students are not required to pay any school levies or voluntary contributions. However, the tuition fees charged do not cover the costs of books, uniforms, stationery and any optional school trips such as excursions or camps.
How are International Student unpaid fees collected?
When international student fees are not paid on time IED works closely with the school to have these fees paid.
What happens if a student’s visa details change?
Schools are to keep a record of each enrolled international student’s visa expiry date. If a student’s visa is due to expire and needs to be extended, the school and the student share the responsibility to ensure that this is done well before the expiry date. If there are any changes to a student’s or family’s visa details please advise the IED immediately.
When granted a Bridging visa, students are not automatically eligible for Student Resource Package funding. In most cases, Bridging visas carry forward the conditions of the previous visa. All visa information can be found at Select the “Visas, Immigration and Refugees” and “Students” icons, which will take you to “Student Visa Options.”
What happens when an International Student wants to transfer between Victorian Government schools?
All students seeking to transfer to a different government school need to apply to the IED and cannot transfer directly to a different school. This enables the IED to accurately track student enrolments and ensures the disbursement of funds is paid to the correct school.
What do schools need to do to withdraw International Students?
Primary schools need to monitor the enrolment and withdrawal of international students and inform the IED of any students who have not returned at the commencement of the school year or who exit the school during the school year.
When international students are seeking to cancel their enrolment a signed letter from the student’s parents is required. If this letter is not provided schools are asked to contact the student’s family to confirm the student’s exit.
What are the IED’s contact details?
Enquiries relating to Overseas Students should be directed to the International Education Division, phone +61 3 9637 2990 or email